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Posted by Amanda
On the fourth day of July, families and friends across the country gather together to celebrate the birth of the United States. Americans are known throughout the world as a fiercely and wonderfully patriotic group of individuals. Because our country was fought for to protect our freedoms, and because Americans continue to fight for those freedoms throughout the world, we have always gathered together to celebrate the gift of freedom which so many men and women have given their time and lives to protect. If you are planning to host an Independence Day party, you might want to host a larger event than your typical backyard barbecue. Barbecues that are hosted in the backyard are fun and intimate, but as groups of friends and family members continue to expand, a backyard may become too small to host such a large number of people.
For your Independence Day celebration this year, you might want to continue renting a catering hall or other reception facility that will accommodate a large number of guests. Catering halls are extremely versatile and will provide you with the space you need to fit all of your friends and family members into one place. You can decorate a catering hall in a variety of different ways to celebrate the birth of the United States. Many catering halls also have kitchen facilities which provide you with versatility when planning the menu. With a large facility, you can also plan games and activities for all of the attendees. Hosting a Fourth of July party at a catering hall will provide you with so many options and conveniences that a cramped backyard cannot provide.
The first thing to consider once you have selected the perfect venue is how you are going to decorate for the event. Many people often forget about decorating for a Fourth of July party. After all, the things most people think of when they think of Independence Day celebrations are the food, the fun, and sometimes the alcohol that will be served. However, decorating for any event is extremely important. Decorations accomplish several different things. First, they show your guests how important this event is to you. That importance will be transferred to your guests, and they will feel special and honored to be a part of such a significant celebration. Decorations also serve to provide a cohesiveness and a sense of unity to the entire event. If you are struggling with decoration ideas, you might want to consider one of these trends when decorating for your Independence Day party.
Military Style
Because of the large number of families who have members serving in the Armed Forces, a military themed Independence Day party may be completely appropriate. The United States military is responsible for the preservation of basic freedoms throughout the world. There are four distinct branches of the military that can all be represented through decorations at a Fourth of July party. Consider having four large tables on which the food will be set out. You can decorate these tables to represent a various branch of the military. Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard should all be represented in case your guests have friends or family members who are serving in one of these branches. You can decorate tables with awards, medals, and patches worn by military family members. You may also choose to prominently display uniforms or other military regalia on the walls and on the tables. Another great idea is to hang war posters that represent different military engagements around the walls.
Founding Fathers Style
If a military style isn't exactly the theme you were looking for in your Independence Day party, you might want to consider a founding fathers themed Fourth of July party. Two hundred years ago, the men who created this country lived, talked, and dressed quite differently than we do today. You can remind your guests of the many changes that this country has experienced by decorating your party with period appropriate decorations. You might also want to make the event an eighteenth century costume party. You can have pictures of the founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, and paintings of historic buildings such as Independence Hall. A founding fathers theme for your Independence Day party is a fun idea.
Fourth of July Menu
The menu of your Independence Day party is extremely important. Your guests are going to expect an impressive spread: the fourth of July is typically considered a day to gorge oneself. You might want to lighten the load on yourself by making the event into a potluck dinner. During a potluck, all of the guests can bring a dish to share with the crowd. To organize an efficient potluck dinner, you might want to assign different guests the task of bringing either an entrée, side dish, vegetable or dessert. This way, you don't end up with a party full of sweets and no meat or side dishes.
If you want something classier or fancier than a potluck meal, consider having your favorite restaurant cater the party. Or, you can purchase catering services from a catering provider in your area. Depending on the venue that you select to host your party, the owners of the venue may have information about trusted caterers that have worked in the building before. These individuals will know the layout of the facility as well as the layout of the kitchen or food prep station in the venue.
If you want people to come to your party, you have to send out invitations. Fourth of July invitations should be sent out at the beginning of June to give party guests adequate time to mark their calendars. If you wait too long, you might that many of your guests have made other plans for the Fourth because this is such a popular holiday. You should include information about the location of the venue, the time and date of the party, and any additional information such as menu information that your guests need to know.
Fourth of July Activities
You might want to plan games and activities for your guests to enjoy at your Fourth of July party. Common yard games like washers or horseshoes are very fun for guests to play at their leisure. Or, for more organized enjoyment, consider organizing a large softball or soccer tournament for your guests to participate in. Your Fourth of July party can include whatever games you see fit. The purpose of an Independence Day party is to get friends and families together to commemorate the wonderful country in which we live.
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