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Posted by Amanda
Conferences are held in many different locations throughout the world such as hotels and resorts. On the other hand, a conference can be held at a catering hall that will allow the guests a more personal atmosphere according to the way in which the conference is planned.
If your conference is going to be spread out over more than one day or even for one entire long day, you will want to ensure your guests have nice accommodations in the town. On the other hand, if your guests will be staying in a hotel for a few days, they may enjoy leaving the hotel to attend the conference at a catering hall.
The staff at the catering hall can help plan the decorations and the food that will be served. Your guests will appreciate the food and you will enjoy the fun and personal atmosphere you can accomplish with a catering hall.
Too many people use hotel rooms for conferences, so much so that it does not seem very special. Think about how many conferences are done at hotels and casinos from baby pageants to product launches. Do you really want your potential clients, customers, or coworker to remember the hotel more than they do the events at your conference? Let the hotel be where they stay away from your conference. This will leave a better impression.
If you do plan for your guests to stay in a hotel and the catering hall is across town, then you should arrange for transportation to and from the conference for all guests. Just another added benefit that will be appreciated and remembered by all the attend.
When you begin your search for a catering hall for your conference, look at the size of the hall, what services they offer, as well as the foods they may serve. The size of the catering hall really depends on the type of conference you have planned. Will there be products to display? Will only speakers be talking and using visual aids? Do you need room to showcase large items? Once you have these questions answered, you can talk with the catering hall and decide the best way to present the various vendors products.
If you only want to provide lunch or dinner to your guests at the conference, you should choose a catering hall that is centrally located so your guests can enjoy various eateries as well as during breaks have sights to see around town. Consider the foods and drinks you wish to serve as well as other aspects of those attending. Is the conference geared toward young or older individuals, will you need handicap accessible parking, rooms, and ramps, etc…? All of these things should be included in your decision when you choose a catering hall for your conference.
Decorate the catering hall to include the thought of the day or the heart of your products. If all the products or services are environmentally friendly, then decorate the hall with flowers, greenery, etc… Make your guests feel comfortable. If your conference is more personal, the attendants will take more home with them instead of leaving the conference disappointed.
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